Monday, September 8, 2008

Checked in and in the room

Ok we are checked in, sat in on orientation this morning, met the other parents and her new doctors. The floor we are on only has 7 room two of which are taken up with the other keto kids. And then there's only one other kid on the floor.

There are 4 in the program this time. Cailyn and Maeve both have IS and then Jamie and Emily have drop seizures where they fall to the floor when they have seizures. Maeve is 13 months, Jamie is 3 and Emily is 5. We are sharing a room with Maeve and her Mom. It is quiet. Still sharing a room but not as chaotic as the 6th floor.

We are on the Pediatric Clinic Research Unit on the 3rd floor. This is going to be interesting.

The weird thing is they are having all the kids fast for 24 hours so she can't have anything but water. She's napping now and as you can see I found an internet connection so I'm going to try to get some work done.

More later.

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