Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mommy has some ouchies

Well Sunday I cashed in my gift certificate for a 90 minute thai yoga massage which I got from Curt and Cailyn for my birthday. It's kind of a work out and massage at the same time. It's usually intense but you feel really good afterwards, helps gets things flowing. Well this time it was a bit extra special. The girl who gave me the massage wasn't the normal pixie-like gymnast little girl barely touching five foot. This girl was thin but taller than me. Well she was massaging my inner thighs and I think she may have been trying to squeeze the fat out like you squeeze sausage out of its caseing. I actually have bruises. She said I have a knot she wanted to work out and would like for me to come back weekly. Unfortunately that is extremely expensive and won't be happening any time soon. The walking on my back did feel great.

Today Cailyn only had 1 full seizure and a few funny mouth movement episodes. We'll see what comes in the next few days to see if the higher dosage of Kepra will help.

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