Cailyn is still seizing daily. Over the past week the least has been 5 and the most 11 and that's just when we are awake so there's no way to tell how many she has alone in her crib.
She's eating again and we are getting her to do more PT. We also had a babysitter come three times this week so that was helpful in being able to get work done. She'll come again this week and tomorrow we are talking to someone new for a more permanent arrangement.
Her blood pressure was much better as the week went on too. We have to go to Baltimore Monday for a new EEG. It was originally scheduled for Oct 14 but her neurologist doesn't want to wait. I don't know what he thinks it is but I think he wants to get this done so we can do whatever tests the metabollic suggests for Mommy, Daddy and Cailyn. He was asking this week all about allergies and other diseases family members might have.
Well this weekend we are going to try and do something outside today, because the weather is supposed to be beautiful, and then of course tomorrow is football. I think Curt and I are just really tired at this point, mentally and physically. Cailyn's sleep schedule is all out of whack because of that 4th dose of steroid she has to take between midnight and 2 am. So some days she sleeps much of the day and is awake at night.
Well more updates to come.
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