Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Friggin' Milk again...

You would think since the girl is going to be 11 months old tomorrow everyone would have gotten their crap together and figured out what's up with her right? Nope. We found out today that one of her meds she's on has milk in it. Highly allergic child having milk daily is bad news. So tomorrow we should get a new batch with no milk. Hopefully this will make a difference and let her have at least one seizure free day again. There's only been 1 since Thanksgiving.

Besides that not much else going on. We finished our paperwork to be in the Epilepsy study for genetics and I faxed in the paperwork for the free Occupational Therapy.

I am soooo looking forward to this 4 day weekend you don't even know. One day will be catching up on work and two others will probably be laundry and house stuff but I am reserving one day for catching up on sleep. I'm tired and run down and can't get sick. Too much to do and bad germs in the house are super bad for Cailyn.

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