Thursday, February 26, 2009

Don't know how they can say she's better when they still don't know what was wrong...

But this seems to be the case a lot with Little Miss Cailyn. We got home last night. Cailyn was better and had perked up by Tuesday night. She had been on IV all day and had a bunch of other tests, which all came back negative streph, flu, RSV, abdominal and chest xrays. So the docs at Fairfax said she must have been dehydrated even though her numbers didn't show that.

She's better and home and happy again. She loved her American Idol last night and we voted for Normal Gentle like 20 times. The show will really be more interesting if he makes it to the next round.

So now the plans are:
  • Follow up with pediatrician
  • See a nutritionist
  • Gastroenterologist appt March 25
  • Sometime in March genetic tests MRI and spinal tap with Hopkins
  • Reschedule OT, PT and Early Intervention Case Manager meeting
  • March 28 is the Epilepsy Walk
  • March 31 back to Hopkins for followup with the neurologist
  • I'm probably forgetting a few things too

In the mean time I need to go to the dentist, Elvis needs his yearly at the vet and Curt and I both need to go for physicals. I would like to work in trips to the chiropractor and a pedicure sometime soon as well.

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