Thursday, February 12, 2009

More teeth maybe

I think Cailyn has two more teeth coming in on the top right side. Her gums are really swollen amd they look like they could pop out at any time. She had an increase in seizures over the past few days and we lowered one of her meds so if that doesn't go down I'll need to contact her doctor to up one of the other two medicines she's on. It could be that we lowered the Topamax or the teeth coming in causing the increase. She's been happy and I just gave her some Tylenol so it doesn't seem too bad. Two more days to Birthday Number 1.

We have had a crazy windy day here with gusts up to 55 mph. Elvis has been curling up either under my desk or Curt's and unless the front door is bolted it keeps flying open.

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