Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not bouncing back

Cailyn and Mommy are spending the night at Fairfax Hospital this evening. She woke up this morning with a dry diaper again and just hasn't been right for the past 10 days. She was like a zombie all day today at the local emergency room but they couldn't find anything wrong with blood work or infections so she was transferred, via ambulance, to Fairfax. The plan now is to have a gastro doc consult tomorrow, a speech therapist evaluation for swallowing issues and maybe some tests. Right now they aren't concerned about the seizures because she's not had an increase. They'll call her neurologist tomorrow, give him the specifics of what has been up and see if he wants them to do anything. The thinking now is that she was dehydrated. After being sick last Sat and Sun she just never got her appetite back, didn't want to drink and then would have random pukes throughout the week. She is resting well now and really bounced back to herself this evening after lots of IV, fruit and a bottle of soy milk. I went and got the nurse so she could see Cailyn's "normal."

So I'll post an update tomorrow. Curt just went home, we have a repair guy coming tomorrow to put the new part on the furnace. The good/weird thing about this hospital is that it's like 20 minutes from the house. We are used to having Cailyn in Children's that's an hour and fifteen minute away or Hopkins that's an hour and a half. We are in a private room so I'll be able to get some work done tonight and we'll be able to relax without some whackjob neighbors.

It's still quite sad that this is her 10th hospital stay, not counting the birth. Maybe the 10th time is the charm and the gastro guy will find some definitive answers.

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