Cailyn is 15 months old tomorrow. She's had a busy week.
Monday was the dentist to see if the grey swirls on her teeth were decay or just from meds. We took her to a pediatric dentist who specializes in special needs kids. For Cailyn's exam he had me sit in an easy chair, he sat on the ottoman and I laid Cailyn in my lap with her head in his. He was very gentle and it was a much better experience than I expected. He was able to scrape the grey off her teeth so it wasn't decay. She has rough enamel so her teeth will be more prone to tartar. We later moved to the regular dentist chair so he could use the electric brush on her teeth but it was the same arrangement. I sat in the chair and she laid in my lap. It was very quick. She did really well and now has pearly whites again instead of pearly greys.
Tuesday she had OT, or the witch doctor as Curt calls her. She does the cranio sacral therapy on Cailyn which is good because it gets the spinal fluid moving and works on other releases in the body.
Today was the pediatrician. She had 1 shot and didn't cry. He said he noticed how well she was doing and then wrote prescriptions so we can get her a new medic alert bracelet for the seizures and dairy allergy and also a prescription for medical equipment. We are looking at a walker, a special positioning chair and a new stroller. With the prescriptoin and a letter from the PT we should be able to go through insurance for the items she needs.
So here are her new stats... she's 31.5 inches, 21 lbs and 9 oz. So she's still 75th percentile for height and has dropped to 25th percentile for weight. The pediatrician isn't concerned about the weight because now they usually slow in weight gain and she's actually active so burning off some of what she eats as well.
Her sleeping has been screwy. Apparently 5:30 am is the new 9:30 am. She used to sleep in but a few days this week, got up early , took meds and breakfast and then went back to sleep for 4 hours.
So up next for Cailyn:
May 22 gastroenterologist
June 8 geneticist
June 25 hearing retest
August 4 neurologist
sprinkle in the chiropractor, and then some OT and PT each week as well
I need to get her more PT visits because she actually cares now and is trying. Still contemplating acupuncture and me going for Reiki training so I can treat her myself.
Lots to do and the job thing really does just get in the way.
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