Saturday Cailyn turned 18 months old and Elvis turned 4. Amazing how fast the time goes. They are good friends, Elvis doesn't mind when Cailyn accidentally kicks him and she seems to like it when he brushes her teeth for her with his tongue. We do not promote this but at least we know he'll never intentionally hurt her.
Cailyn is now 33 inches, which is in the 75th percentile (which is where she always is) and now with a gain of weight she's now 24 lbs and right at the 50th percentile (she had fallen off earlier in the year down to the 15th percentile at one point). After meeting with the dietitian we've been supplementing her milk and yogurt with formula and getting her more calories, good fat and vitamins.
She had her appointment with the pediatrician today and she had two shots, he's still holding off on the MMR until she's 2. I know it's safe but I'm ok with postponing that controversial one. He said it would be a good idea if we went ahead and got the ABR hearing test done where she's sedated and he's giving us a prescription for Flouride for Cailyn's teeth. He's impressed with her alertness and wants us to make sure we get her to the pool as often as possible. He said it will be an excellent supplement to her therapy she already gets.
She's rolling, rolling, rolling along. She's still usually only going over the left shoulder but I would say in a week or two she'll probably go both ways. Crawling will be next and I'm thinking maybe by Christmas... all on Cailyn's schedule... she likes being unique.
Curt's leg is much better. His bad ankle keeps swelling but he needs to have surgery on it to repair ripped tendons which he keeps putting off.
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