Friday, October 9, 2009


So here's the latest with Cailyn...

She hears fine. She had that stupid test I didn't want to do, because they had to sedate her, and she hears fine. It was the shortest test the audiologist had ever done, 15 minutes, and she hears perfect. They told me the test would take 1.5 hours. Yes, it's great that she hears fine, just annoyed to be pressured into the test. They did have to sedate her with Ketamine instead of Propofil because of her egg allergy so she took longer to wake up. She was fine with the whole thing besides the 4 attempts at IV. She was fine with the first two, didn't even cry, it was the attempt in the foot that put her over the edge and 5 adults holding her down. They had to call someone in the from the ER.

She's growing well, 26 lbs and 5 oz, so that's good that she's been adding more weight since we added formula back into her milk. She's also 34.5 inches tall, a long girl. She's happy most of the time, except for new teeth, which she's up to 15 teeth now, her top right fang needs to come in and then she's done until 2 year molars.

She is in constant motion now too, always rolling and rocking back and forth.

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