Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New people and new toys

Well it's been a while since I updated on Cailyn's progress so here we go.

We've hired a second babysitter to help take care of Cailyn. Her name is Jessica and she is great. She's taken care of other kids and people with special needs and in the fall will start nursing school. We still have Sarah 3 days a week as well and are grateful she's been with us for more than a year now.

Cailyn's schedule has changed a little. We've started with a different OT on Mondays and she wants to see Cailyn every week as opposed to every other week, which is great. She's very sweet and very positive. So then Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays she goes to PT. Every other Wednesday she has Speech and then every Friday she has OT at the house. We've added in visits to an osteopath too but I'm not sold on that and it's really expensive.

The big thing this week is Friday we have our first school meeting for Cailyn. Amazing to believe in the Fall she'll start at the special ed pre-school.

Only two more weeks until she's two... amazing to believe.

Cailyn's indoor swing came today for PT and then Daddy ordered her a Carnival Ballpit. We definitely need about twice as much space in this house.

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