Monday, May 10, 2010

school, eye doctor and a new set of wheels

Amazing to think my little girl will go to preschool in the Fall. It's public school through the County and will cater to Cailyn's special needs. She'll get PT, OT and Speech at school. The local elementary school right around the corner, doesn't have a program and she needs a full service high-needs classroom, so she's going to go to Ashburn Elementary which is about 15-20 minutes away. Today we had the last of 3 meetings to get school all set up and tomorrow morning I'll go for a tour of the school and meet the teacher and vice principal. Cailyn will have to take the handicapped school bus so we also met today with an equipment rep to order her wheelchair, called the Bingo. Curt of course likes that it's orange. We also ordered Cailyn a chair for the tub to help accomodate her needs and mak bathing her easier on our backs. The equipment will take months to come in and we hope she'll get the wheelchair in time for school. The big part of the process is getting insurance to approve items.

We went to the eye doctor last week to have Cailyn evaluated, her eyes are just like her ears, they work just fine and are healthy, but the connection to the brain does not process correctly. They've said as she develops her eyes and ear will work better. Right now she only has a 1 second attention span and only sees out of 1 eye at a time, very weird and I don't really know how you can tell that by examining a child.

Work has been super busy for both me and Curt. Mine will slow a little next week when the new design of launches. Curt's won't slow down until after the conference in DC in July.

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