Thursday, January 27, 2011

Crappy snowstorm

Ok so this little 8 inch snowstorm may have been more stressful for the Reese household than the 3 blizzards we got last year combined.

Yesterday Curt had a meeting he had to go to in Reston, which normally takes 20 minutes to drive to. He got home 4 hours after he left the office last night. I was stressed, he was stressed, I had to put Cailyn in her chair and wheel her to the door so I could keep an eye on her while I dug out a spot on the street for him to park. Stressful, but his commute was on the short side for some. His boss left the same time and didn't get home until 2:30 this morning.

Curt did finally get to test out his new toy. He was out for about 3 hours and did our driveway, the sidewalk and our elderly neighbors driveway. The blower did better on gas than we thought, he did all that on less than a tank of gas.

This was Cailyn's idea of helping us shovel. She had a snowday from school and I wanted to keep her warm and toasty so she hung out in the back of the van. Lots of stimulation for her with the scraping shovels, the snowblower, plows at the HS across the street and Otis and Elvis barking up a storm.

Speaking of Otis and Elvis, they really are funny together. They fight and wrestle and play all day. Otis was funny when we were out shoveling, every time I called him he would come running and jump over this little branch sticking out of the snow. Then he decided to chew on it. It was his first real snow and now as I write this he's snoring away, too pooped.

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