Friday, August 12, 2011

Food Allergy Testing... more torture for Cailyn

So Cailyn has to wear rotten food blobs on her back for 48 hours to try and decipher what she's allergic too. Mommy is tired. We weren't able to test everything she eats, there wasn't enough room on her back so we'll be doing this again at some point.

It was going fine until she puked this afternoon. The last two times she's vomited everything has been with yogurt and jello together so we will keep those separate for now.

After they determine what she's allergic too we'll have to do an elimination diet and cut out anything she reacted to for 3 months, then redo her endoscopy.

Here's a picture of her poor little back. Curt pointed out, what if she's allergic to the sharpie marker they wrote all over her with.

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