Friday, June 28, 2013

I Love My Tubie

I'll try to catch up on some more goings on real soon but here's an update on Cailyn's feeding.

For two months we tested out the Ng feeding tube through her nose to see if the increased fluids would help. It was much easier on all of us and we were able to get more fluids in her and do her medicine so much easier too. When it had to be replaced it was not pleasant for her and her pretty face was blocked by the tube and tape.

So on June 19 she had surgery for the G tube and she's been ok. The first 24 hours were rough, big increase in seizures and we found out Cailyn is very agitated on morphine but she's been ok since. She was released from the hospital a day sooner than we expected and has done well. She's had two follow up appointments and everyone is happy with the healing, how the tube looks and that the wound looks really good. She's in Summer School now with just a few limitations on activity and she'll go to camp next week in the afternoons too. No swimming for a month though since they don't want it submerged.

Belly--pre-surgery--I didn't want to post a tube one until she's all healed.

I got K some new fun froggy socks while she was in the hospital.

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