So, while my parents were still here last week, Curt used my Dad's expertise in car haggling and went looking for a new car. On Friday the three of us went looking at Kias and then on Saturday just the two of them went looking and bought a Hyundai Sonata.
Its a light Kaki color and its really nice. Its the first brand new car either Curt or I have owned and its fully loaded with leather, XM radio and all the fixings. Its a really "growed up" car according to my sister, four doors and all kinds of safety features.
On another note, Cailyn is doing well. She's eating well and gained weight. She was a little over 8 lbs when we weighed her on Sunday night. She goes back to the pediatrician this week to check in. She's really good taking her medicine and I've gotten her to breastfeed a little again as well.
She is a super sleeper. She slept from 11:30-4 last night, ate and went back to sleep until just before 8. Its longer than I'd like because she should eat often but the doctor said we can take more cues from her when she's hungry.
Tomorrow is my first day all alone with her so it should be interesting. My sister is visiting
and leaving tonight and Curt actually has to go to the office. My plan is to go to the New Moms Support Group or the Breastfeeding Support Group at the hospital tomorrow.
And here's a picture of our first baby, so he doesn't feel neglected.
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