Saturday, September 20, 2008

Last night... fingers, toes and anything else possibly crossed

We are hopefully spending the last night in the hospital. Cailyn is doing much better and eating. She started the steroids this afternoon so we'll see how that goes. She doesn't react to anything normally, so the normal side effects of being irritated and eating like crazy may not even apply to my baby girl. Apparently Kepra is supposed to cause personality swings and she's as mellow as can be on that.

Her seizure counts have been way better since being off the diet. When on the diet, 2 days she had so many seizures we couldn't even keep track then another 2 days she had 15 seizures one day and 20 the next. The day with 20 was bad because she had them come back-to-back for 2 hours and had to be sedated. Her "normal" over the past 2 weeks has been between 4 and 8 seizures a day with one day being 0 and another day being 2.

The girl is napping now. I need to do that too but also take a shower and give her a bath. So sleepy though.

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