Sunday, September 14, 2008

Still here

We are still at Johns Hopkins. Cailyn is awake and feeling better, she's allowed to eat but having seizures again. We aren't sure what's next. Someone said they want to do a spinal tap to test for metabolic disorders and amino acids because there has to be something else going on. Her original neurologist comes back Wednesday. The keto diet folks will be back in tomorrow so I'm hoping to get some answers. I'm thinking we are here until at least Wednesday.

Thank God I can do all my work remotely because I worked 10 hours last week and will be able to work from here tomorrow. I think Curt is going to take the Tuesday shift and I'll go home, sleep in my bed, hang with Elvis and work a solid day.

The folks on this floor are really nice and we are in a private room so I'm in no hurry to go home, just give us some answers.


Jen Cavendish said...

Hey, I hope you get those answers today and that everyone is as comfortable as possible, considering. Thinking about you every day.

Misty said...

I'm glad to hear you're in a private room, and I hope that they have some solid answers for you very soon. If you need anything, even if it's just a sympathetic ear feel free to give me a ring!