Friday, June 11, 2010

Clemyjontri Park June 2010

So we finally got back to the accessible playground and took Cailyn swinging.

This photo is from July 2009, in the same swing, again amazing how big she is.

I took Cailyn to a Naturopathic doc, again hoping for answers and miracles. I'm not sure how I feel about the appointment. It started out with amazement that we'd given Cailyn any vaccines so I knew it was going to be interesting. She ended up prescribing some homeopathic meds to try. It was expensive and I bought it and now I have to research and see if we are going to go with her suggestions. We are going to the neurologist on Tuesday and we'll be changing Cailyn's meds. Her seizures have SUCKED lately. At least one big one every other day and 4 on Sunday. And now the slightest sounds can set them off. Yesterday I closed my laptop and the click of that startled her and started a seizure. Very frustrating. The girl can't live in a sound proof room.

Need to find a new nutritionist as well. I don't want too alternative that they want me to give her goat milk but I want someone who will think out of the box. There's one I've been told to check with but I'm just not sure. She's expensive and if she just wants me to buy some supplements and give her weird juices I'm not up for that. I need an answer if the soy is really bad for her etc. We are re-testing her milk allergy this month so it would be a godsend if she isn't allergic anymore and we can just do normal cows milk, yogurt and cottage cheese. Lots to figure out.

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