Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My blog is like an unkept garden...

It's dry and dusty and has a lot of weeds. I haven't realized how busy we've been this Fall until I started looking at the blog and realizing all the things I haven't had time to post about yet.

Halloween Preview
I've been taking classes online at Media Bistro in NYC to enhance my Social Media skills. I'm learning all about the marketing uses for FB, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram, oh and my favorite, Pinterest. I've really just been using these tools, and my blog for that matter, to keep Family and friends up-to-date on our Family and mostly Cailyn's medical issues. I realized the first time she was in the hospital it was easier mentally to just put it all down in the blog and people would read as necessary. I didn't have to make 20 phone calls, rehash the non-answers we were getting from the doctors and relive the pain and tears. I try to be educational on our blog and present mostly facts, but sometimes the emotions do get the best of me. Like my previous post "Eventually she'll know."

Over the years I've shared lots of good news on our blog as well and lately I've just tried to keep up with photos and videos of the girls to satisfy "our fans" as my Dad calls them-- various people throughout our lives who care for and are concerned for my Family.

So here's a quick chronological rundown of Fall so far.

Late August

A silly squirrel chose our giant tree out front for her and her 4 children. We didn't know they were there until we found the first deceased squirrel in the yard. We weren't sure which dog got it but Elvis was the one found with the body. We soon learned that Otis was the culprit. Curt took pity on the little guys, who really shouldn't dare coming down the tree for fear of the giant black and white beast below. He began to put nuts in the tree, so the little guys could build up some strength. Not being a fan of any rodents I was not thrilled of our new "pets."

One-by-one, they started to venture into the yard, stupid little squirrels, and Otis met them with glee. I realized he was not trying to kill them. He saw them as his stuffed toys and really was just trying to pop the squeaker like he does in those. The one murder I witnessed was sad, the poor little squirrel was just left limp and breathing heavy. In the end only one survived but I think he and his kin got smart and moved.Otis earned a new nickname and Curt a new name for one of his video game characters--Otis Squirrel Killa.


The week of Labor Day we rented a house at the Outer Banks again. It was great fun. Cailyn's caretaker Katherine and her boyfriend Adam stayed with us for the first half of the week and then my parents came for the second.

Curt laughs at me with how much stuff I end up bringing, but a) we have to be prepared for a lot and b) Cailyn needs a lot of stuff.

Clothes, diapers, meds, special food for food allergies, wheelchair, feeding chair, a chair for the beach etc. For a family of four and 2 dogs we have the minivan packed to the brim and the carrier on top. Sue me, but where am I going to find diapers for my 45 pound girl. They don't just sell them at the grocery store. As it is we get them shipped to us from the medical supply company. It's also hard to know if the local grocery store is going to have coconut and almond dairy products because Cailyn can't have cow's milk or soy products. It's getting better to find these things, but not a guarantee and I can't take any chances. 

The trip was eventful early on as well. 

Day 1-Dogs break one of two matching glass lamps filled with seashells
Day 2-Curt loses his glasses in the ocean
then it was quiet until...
Day 5-We set up at the beach but the waves kept coming up higher. We moved back a few times, Cailyn under her sun canopy on a chair and Miranda in this cute popup play tent that contained her and didn't let her eat too much sand. Then wham, a big wave came up.

Thankfully I had just picked Cailyn up off the blanket and on a chair. She would have been covered in sand and grit and probably wrapped up in the blanket. Poor Miranda, on the other hand, was picked up by the wave and washed up the beach. My Mom, who can't swim, was the first to go running for and grab her. She swallowed some water and tumbled around a little but was ok. It took a bit to calm her down and breastfeeding at the beach was no fun. We did not stay very long that day.

After the beach we headed to Pittsburgh for a consult with THE doctor for Cailyn's visual impairment. It took 9 months to get this appointment. I called last November when I was still pregnant with Miranda and finally we got an appointment for September. She spent 2 hours with Cailyn and gave us so much good information. She wrote a great report that we'll use at her next IEP to make sure school is adapting her education environment for her.

When we came back from vacation it was determined Miranda would need to go to daycare. That's a hard bill to swallow, both financially and emotionally. I know in the end it's best for her to be with and learn from other typically developing kids. We had an issue with the first place she was going. We had worked out a part time schedule with the daycare and now they had someone who was wanting Miranda's spot but on a full-time basis. I was pissed. It was like bait and switch and I was not ok with that.

Curt and I went on a tour of another big chain daycare and we were not happy. It was like a factory and ALL the kids had the signature runny snotty nose. Miranda is a bit advanced with self-feeding and using a cup and it just seemed like that place would hold her back. As we were driving home we saw kids coming out of a house up the block. I knew it was a home daycare. I searched, aka stalked, them online and found inspection records etc. It was a legit daycare, had been in business for 15 years and had 2 long time staff members. We went for a tour. It was a little small, the kids really hung out in a big room together and Miranda would be the youngest but the owner was super nice. She's a little Persian Grandma and since we are neighbors, she gave us a really good rate. Plus they provide all of the food for Miranda and I just have to send diapers and bottles.

They LOVE her. They have nicknamed her joojoo, which we've looked up online and translated to little bird, or little chicken. Even the little kids there call her that. It's super cute and now will probably stick with all her other nicknames: Ran-Ran, Randa Bear and Miran.


My job is in transition right now and I'm not 100% sure how things are going to shake out. I've been the Content Manager for 53 webpages at AARP for 10 years now. We are changing the back end process so now all of my content providers will use WordPress to input their own content. It's been great because I'm becoming an expert in WordPress and I've been working with our AARP Social Media team a lot. But, this has been a huge undertaking and has required me to go in to the office a bit more lately. After a few meetings lately I'm thinking things will work out. I think I'll be able to stay pretty much in the same role I've been in but hopefully will be able to incorporate more strategy and social media work.

At the sleep study--poor girl
A few big items for Miss Cailyn and her health issues this Fall.She's now wearing a cpap machine while she sleeps and taking very high doses of iron supplements to hopefully help her extremely erradic sleep habit and obstructive sleep apnea.

Bam--+ allergy test
Then the latest addition to her allergies... dogs, cats and dust! All of which we have tons of in our house. This was a huge blow. We are not getting rid of the pets, they are family.

When I told Curt the news he said, "well I guess Cailyn's moving out," joking of course.

So we've raised her daily Zyrtec level, and are trying to take a few key steps to lower her exposure. Washing her bedding and the dogs more often and we have to move her out of a bedroom that has carpet. We've also added a hepa filter to her bedroom.

October also had Halloween, one of my favorites. I always try to be creative with the costumes for the girls.
  • 2008- K was a Doctor
  • 2009-K was a Mermaid
  • 2010-K was Wonder Woman
  • 2011-K was Dorothy
  • 2012-K was Strawberry Shortcake and the Randa Bear was her little sister  Apple Dumpling


So now we are in November and work is still super busy. I took today off to catch up on things around the house. Top of my list was this blog entry. I'm trying to catch up and implement the social media tips and tricks for marketing I've been learning in my classes. I'm also looking into some freelance opportunities and still need to draft an Editorial Calendar for my friend and her business.

Very good news this month for Miss K... she got her bike. This process started a year and a half ago when Curt sent me the video from one of Cailyn's physical therapy sessions. I cried and vowed my kid would get her own bike, even if it did cost $6K.

Four attempts and appeals with insurance led to disappointment but I pushed on. A friend suggested submitting an application to a foundation to help out with the bike and presto... 18 months after her first bike experience Cailyn has her own snazzy, flame orange, trike.

This is really great exercise for her and a way that she can be included in play with her friends. The twins Zachary and Isabel are super excited and I'm trying to put together a party real soon.

November also marked the Lupo Family reunion. It had been 2 years since we've all been together. My Brother, Sister-in-law, niece and nephew flew East from the ABQ and my parents drove up from Florida. We rented a huge house in the woods in Berkely Springs, WV and finally got a new Family portrait. It was good to all be together and celebrate early Thanksgiving.
So that pretty much covers Fall. I'll try not to fall so behind on blog posting again. I blame Facebook, it's made me a lazy blogger. Happy Holidays everyone.

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