Friday, January 6, 2012

We've set the date

Well we've set the date for my c-section. February 2, 2012 Baby Girl Reese Two (BGR2) will join us. 2-2-12 is a pretty cool birthday, also Groundhog's Day.

There's lots to get ready beforehand and I have to say I think both Curt and I have both jumped in to the nesting phase. We are having our HVAC airvents cleaned out today, the baby's room is almost all put together and then on Monday we have cleaning people coming to give the whole house a good once over. Much, much on the to do list but it is definitely motivating to have a deadline. Hopefully she decides to stick to the schedule and not come too early.

We are still debating names and are trying to narrow it down. When I found Cailyn in the baby name book I just knew that was her name, I think I'm second guessing myself too much this time.

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