Monday, February 27, 2012

Medical Updates

Last Tuesday we went to see Cailyn's neurologist. We haven't seen him since the summer. Her seizures have been real bad lately and she's been unable to participate and stay awake in school much. So we have to try to find answers and help her out. Ends up, her stupid steroid she's been on for the food allergies, is known as possibly increasing seizures. UGH so annoying. I thought I asked the right questions when asking if this medicine would be ok but apparently I have to blatantly say "WILL THIS INCREASE HER SEIZURES?"

So the new plan is on Wednesday, after she has her next endoscopy to check on the EOE/food allergies we will most likely stop the steroid, then we'll have two weeks to see how her seizures are. If they improve we stick with what we've got now, medicine wise, if they don't improve then we add in a third seizure med. Fingers crossed we return to pre-November levels on seizures. She was REALLY good from May-Thanksgiving.

On another note, things are going well with Miranda. Good thing those Lupo/Reese genes make for good sleepers. At 3 weeks old she's sleeping 5-6 hours overnight and making Momma happy.

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