Thursday, April 4, 2013

Facebook has made me a lazy blogger

Lots to catch up on since I haven't posted since before Christmas. Both girls had Birthdays, we had many sicknesses and a hospitalization for Cailyn. I'll get updates of all that stuff up soon I hope. Here are some pics of the girls and an abbreviated update.

Happy 1st Birthday Randa Bear
I'll go back to December and January but February was a bitch, there's no better way to say it. We kicked off the month with Miranda bringing home a tummy bug from daycare. She's pictured here on her 1st birthday looking really pathetic. She had the bug about 5 days and she was a trooper. She would puke and rally. After she was done and got a drink, she'd go right back to playing.

A big concern we always have is Cailyn getting sick. She's done well in her short five years to have not really gotten much "normal" kid sick germs. This year that changed. She got the tummy bug from Miranda and they think she aspirated, inhaled some of the vomit causing an infection in her lungs. She ended up with pneumonia twice in February/March with 4 ER visits and a 2-day stint in the hospital to get stronger IV antibiotics and oxygen.

Relaxing in "my" new chair. KK now owns Daddy's Lazyboy.
She missed about 3 weeks of school in February. The one interesting thing that happened is when she started vomiting I cut non-essential meds, which included her daily Zyrtec and Miralax. I'd also read a bad article about Miralax. The guy who wrote it sounds a little whackadoo, and all Cailyn's doctors strongly disagree with what he's saying but she went from 6 seizures a day to 6 in almost 7 weeks. So for me, for now, Mirlax is one poison I won't be subjecting Miss K to.

So back to February, along with everyone in our Family, including my Mom, Sister and Katherine the babysitter getting sick and for most multiple times, Elvis decided to give me a huge scare.

Baby Elvis
On Valentine's day I came home from the office and Elvis was fine. He greeted me and was trying to get up in the big comfy chair with Katherine and Cailyn. So I walked down the street to get Miranda at daycare. Had her in her stroller coming back, stopped at the mailbox and saw Elvis sprawled out in the yard. He looked dead. I was screaming his name and no response. Ran over to him and all his legs were straight and locked and he was panting. All I could think was he had a stroke. I ran inside screaming for Curt, rushed Elvis to the emergency vet and just hoped he was ok. He couldn't stand or walk. The only other time I had to deal with a serious dog injury was when we had to put Cady to sleep. She went from healthy to gone in 3 hours. The vet did xrays and checked him out and couldn't find anything. They thought maybe he had hurt a disc in his neck. They said any other tests would start getting really expensive. He got a shot of cortisone in his neck and a few days rest and he was back to normal. We separated Elvis and Otis for about a week and they weren't allowed to play.

Limited seizures and KK is happy, alert and engaged. It's amazing what those stupid things do to her.

This is one girl who spends too much time in the doctor's office. Her favorite toy is the stethoscope.

The girls got to see Aunt Dotty last week. 93 year difference between her and Miranda

My Miranda Bunny

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