Sunday, March 11, 2012

Girls Day Trip to Gettysburg

Cailyn, Miranda, Aunt Danielle and I took a road trip yesterday to Gettysburg PA. It's only about a 90 minute drive. It was a beautifully sunny day but it was chilly. I knew the big part of the visit was an auto tour so that seemed like it would work with both girls. We bought a CD in the gift shop that described all the stops on the tour and gave you the historical story too.

We opted for the concise tour and should have gotten the dramatic tour. The concise tour was BORING and confusing. Sometimes he talked in between stops and I kept zoning out and not listening to him.

The girls did well. A few times Miranda got angry but if you popped the pacifier back in she was happy.

At the cemetary
We only got pics of Miranda in the carrier because it was cold so I included one of her in her carseat so she made an appearance.

We kept Cailyn pretty well bundled up as well.
Aunt Danielle borrowed Cailyn's "magic" pink mittens. They kinda fit.

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